Expected Standards Pre-School Framework

Expected Standards Pre-School Framework

8 Seasons

Expected Standards Pre-School Framework
  • Duckling 1 Outcome 1

    Episode 1

    Learner sits or stands on the side unsupported but under close supervision and is drawn in toward the adult in the water. Adult then returns the learner to poolside.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 2

    Episode 2

    The learner must take a deep breath and hold their breath to ensure they are floating at the surface of the water. Encourage the learner to stretch into a star float, maintaining the position with adult support behind the head.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 3

    Episode 3

    Learner to confidently exhale at the surface of the water. Teacher must be able to see bubbles being blown.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 4

    Episode 4

    Demonstration must show wetting the head in an activity whilst remaining calm throughout.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 5

    Episode 5

    Learner should demonstrate long legs with a small splash, the kick originating from the hip and hips near the surface of the water. Floatation equipment can be used. The adult supports the head.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 6

    Episode 6

    Travel may be with or without floatation equipment. Walking or paddling in deep or shallow water.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 7

    Episode 7

    Learner sits or stands on the side unsupported but under close supervision and is drawn in toward the adult in the water. Adult then rotates and returns to poolside.

  • Duckling 1 Outcome 8

    Episode 8

    Learner may make use of a ladder or steps, beach pool approach, climbing, or use an adult to assist. A disability hoist may also be used.