Stage 6 Outcome 7
Water Safety, PS and LTS Expected Standards bundle
The butterfly must be performed to Swim England Expected Standards. A breath is taken as the hands are in the propulsive phase; the chin lifts forward whilst remaining close to the water surface. Once a breath is taken, the face returns to a downward position in the water before the hands enter the water to initiate the next stroke. The number of strokes in-between each breath taken is the learner's choice.
Up Next in Water Safety, PS and LTS Expected Standards bundle
Stage 6 Outcome 8
The backstroke must be performed to Swim England Expected Standards. Breathing to follow a regular pattern. Learners should aim towards breathing in as one arm recovers, and breathing out as the other arm recovers.
Stage 6 Outcome 9
The 25 metres choice of stroke must be performed to Swim England Expected Standards.
Stage 6 Outcome 10
The learner (on poolside) must raise the alarm (by shouting for adult help), and then shout and instruct a casualty in the water, and give guidance to help the casualty find their own way to safety. To avoid any danger, this must be done without making any contact with the casualty.