Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

Webinar recordings on various themes with a specific focus on health and wellbeing, particularly how to adapt aquatic offers and approaches to support people with long term health conditions or impairments.

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Health and Wellbeing
  • Aquatic activity and swimming during pregnancy

    Aquatic activity and swimming during pregnancy with Good Boost. Taken from a Health and Wellbeing Learn and Share Network Event in December 2023

  • Swimming as Medicine (video three)

    The latest Swimming as Medicine video has been launched by Swim England following research identifying nursing staff as key to supporting behaviour change!

    We want to help encourage more healthcare professionals to consider recommending swimming and aquatic activity to patients.

  • Swimming as Medicine (video two)

  • Cancer and Swimming education talk

    Dr Dominic O'connor, from the University of Nottingham discusses the impact that cancer and cancer treatment has on an individual. He then discusses the benefits of exercise to cancer patients, before exploring the relationship between cancer and swimming. The safety considerations operator's sho...

  • Exercise after stroke

    Laura and Eamonn from the Stroke Association discuss the link between stroke and physical activity, highlighting the benefits that physical activity can have on stroke survivors.
    The webinar aims to help you understand what a stroke is and some of the effects they can have. It also provides advi...

  • Health and Wellbeing at Swim England

    Ollie Hynd and Matthew Martin sit down to talk about the impact of swimming on Health & Wellbeing. Matthew is the Health & Wellbeing officer at Swim England, where he is responsible for making aquatic activity more inclusive to people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, whilst also driving p...

  • Creating inclusive and accessible aquatic environments

    Ali Noyce and Andrew Power from Swim England led an online session discussing how to create an inclusive and accessible aquatic environment with special guests.

  • Understanding health conditions: In the context of aquatic environments

    Andrew Power (Swim England, Water Wellbeing Specialist) and Ben Wilkins (Good Boost, CEO) explore the topic of understanding health conditions whilst in the context of aquatic environments.

  • Arthritis and swimming